Thursday, June 13, 2013

Secessionist Art

Secessionist Ar

Secession refers to a number of modernist artist groups that separated from the support of offical academic artt and it´s administrations in the late 19th and early 20th century.Artists were using unsual colours  and many materials.

Last week I was in gallery with my schoolmates. I think it was very interesting because I learnt some new things. In gallery we had activity ,we had draw Nouveau picture.

 Our painting.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kitsch and Pop art ♥

Kitsch is a style of mass-produced art or design usong cultural icons.Kitsch is most commonly used to desribe art that´s a considered overly sentimental , pretentious or banal. It´s used to dismiss such art as being in bad taste, of poor quality , or simply for having too much mass appeal.

                                                                                  Some examples of Kitsch:
Garden Gnome:

Toy :               

fridge magnets-


Pop art (short version of Popular Art) is a style of art , which was created in 50´s. This style continued in 60´s too.Pop Art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art. Pop art employs aspect of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural object.

                                                                       Some  examples of Pop art: