Monday, November 18, 2013

Natural materials

An exhibition of the works of Richard Loskot and Michal Šimonfy.

So we went to the art gallery again .The exhibition was very interesting but sometimes a little bit boring for me. But i like it. It was about relationships of people and nature.

When we came to first room some people said "Where is the exhibition?" Because in first room there were mirrors and one reflector or something. When the lights were turned off and light from reflector was reflecting all mirrors in the room. LIght travelling  from mirror to mirror to mirror all over the room. The second room was dark. This room or part of exhibition was about social network . Small bacterias symbolised death and life. 

The room number three symbolised life of the human/every day life. In this room there were sounds : dogs , watter , music and .... The room was like a horror . So scary. Most interesting for me was  machine. It was machine whose measured number of heartbeats. ♥ The last room was room with rose , the lights showing  the shadow of rose. 

That´s all about this exhibition :) good enough experiences i think :)

thanks for reading :3

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Secessionist Art

Secessionist Ar

Secession refers to a number of modernist artist groups that separated from the support of offical academic artt and it´s administrations in the late 19th and early 20th century.Artists were using unsual colours  and many materials.

Last week I was in gallery with my schoolmates. I think it was very interesting because I learnt some new things. In gallery we had activity ,we had draw Nouveau picture.

 Our painting.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Kitsch and Pop art ♥

Kitsch is a style of mass-produced art or design usong cultural icons.Kitsch is most commonly used to desribe art that´s a considered overly sentimental , pretentious or banal. It´s used to dismiss such art as being in bad taste, of poor quality , or simply for having too much mass appeal.

                                                                                  Some examples of Kitsch:
Garden Gnome:

Toy :               

fridge magnets-


Pop art (short version of Popular Art) is a style of art , which was created in 50´s. This style continued in 60´s too.Pop Art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art. Pop art employs aspect of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural object.

                                                                       Some  examples of Pop art:

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Conversation Leading Elsewhere

The exhibituion is called A Conversation Leading Elsewhere.The exhibition present new work - ink drawing by Maria Carojeva as well as a selection of works from the other projects - Mind Games and Eo Instanto/In this moment. 

Her pictures were very interesting.We were talking about these picture but I don't think I understood them.The main ideas in the exhibition such as transience of the time and transience of our lifes.

Then we chose a copy of one of Maria Corejova´s works and develop it. I was in the group with Terka and Dominika . We chose a copy of one antique building.This is the result:

And in my opinion the exhibition was very interesting because  we can have different views of life thanks to this exhibition :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Daffodil Day

It is the national charity  dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem, and improving the lives of those living with cance
 is financed entirely by voluntary contributions from the public and receives no government funding; it is the largest voluntary funder of cancer research.

It´s amazing!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a worldwide event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).The idea is to get as much  people to turn off the lights of their houses, of the buildings in their city for 60 minutes on March 23 from 8:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m. This program started in 2004 in Australia..

What can you do???
- you can turn off all the lights of your home
- you can tell people about Earth Hour
- join the parade and light a candle

Some photos:


Times Square:



Sunday, March 17, 2013

A review of Moondance Alexander

I recently saw Moondance Alexander. It´s a comedy-drama film ..
This film is about teen girl which is a spirited teen living with her mother.She discovers a lots pinto pony named Checkers who has jumped out of his paddock. Although Moondance returns the horse  to his owner Dante Longpre. She convinced that Checkers is a champion jumper . She is determined to help him realize his full potencial.. Moondance manages to talk Dante into training her and Checkers for to Bow Valley Classic and despite the critism of her peers.It is she winner of the world class competition.
I really like it this film , because this film is very interesting and it is about horse , and I love horse , and it about that to each realize their dream ...

That´s all :))